November 2021 Theme of the Month - Treat Yo'self!
Now more than every with holidays coming up it is important that we maintain balance between spending time with others, doing things for others, and making sure that we are taking care of ourselves. This month our goal is to focus on self-care and self-love. What are some things that you want to do that make you feel less stressed, more centered, or even more energized? What have you been wanting to set time aside for but haven't gotten to? What are your priorities and what is important to you? These are the things that we are going to push to the top of the priority list this month. Just think, if you're always pouring your cup into others without refilling yours you soon won't have anything left to give. Ask yourself: are you taking time to prioritize yourself, your goals, your growth, time with loved ones? Now remember, it's all about balance - working hard is good and feels good but are you enjoying the ride or are you just trying to get to the end? The end of one thing is always the beginning of another so we have to consider if it's ever really going to be done, if we're ever going to be done or if we're stressing ourselves out just to get back right into a cycle. Take the time now while you can to be in the moment and relish the little things. Take some time to be out in nature, read a good book, eat a good food, spend time with the people that make you better. Our goal is to do one thing for yourself each day this month. Now is the time! Breathe.