In our third episode of the "Because You're Incredible Podcast" we chat with Jennifer Nguyen, massage therapist and personal trainer about how to best balance the drive for personal growth and living in the moment. She shares her journey to massage therapy and mentorship with us and we dive more into some key resources for creating smooth transitions in major lifestyle changes like the end of an athletic career.
Interview Notes: Jen Nguyen - Personal Trainer 6 years (Iowa), Licensed Massage Therapist - (own mobile company) Crush Therapy PDX
Gymnast 13 years
Personal Trainer, worked especially transition from rehab to training
Massage Therapy - worked with sports massage therapist, high end spa, gym, own mobile business
Preventative medicine
Holistic route paired with exercise
Combine with other modalities (like acupuncture etc)
Instagram: @jenguyen92
Michelle Kuiv - Personal Trainer 5 years
Cheerleader 16 years
Desk job > coffee > coaching > training
C: 971-678-7502
Instagram: @coachmichellekuiv
Facebook: Michelle Kuiv Coaching
YouTube: MAK Coaching
People can have multiple purposes in life (make people smile, take care of kids)
Completely subjective
People tie their career as their purpose/self-identity
Should stray away from that - can cause burnout or focus on money instead of helping others
But can stay in it if you can continue to grow and thrive
Good to have diversity, lack of balance/social interactions can lead a heavy focus only on money which does not always lead to happiness
Can still have a good job that provides valuable resources (i.e. money) without it being your main passion or purpose
Mentorships/Life Coach
Helped as a life coach as well as teaching one-on-one
Best way to find is by networking
Try to find a good match for your personality and goals
Be able to provide resources
Give support/advice - ask the right questions
Balance between growing and being satisfied
Depends on the person
Drive can come from upbringing, personality
Support system can make a big difference, mentor
Mindset - you can turn it around instantly because it is your life
“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it” – Charles R. Swindoll
Serenity prayer - “to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference”
Internal/External Locus of Control or Intrinsic/Extrinsic Motivation
Sports can help teach this
Working with athletes in transition out of sport
Becomes your identity - especially if you start early
Don’t know who you are after without it
How to figure out who you are and develop the new you
Can be liberating but don’t always know what to do
Important to seek help (therapist, mentor) or seek a community (hobby, intramural sport) - stay social
Helpful tools: meditation, exercise, nutrition (esp for mental health)
Probiotic, iron (esp women), Vitamin D (esp if not in the sun often)
Can get a panel to see deficiencies
If energy is low: examine sleep, nutrition, then look at imbalances in levels (vitamins, minerals, hormones)